On The Construction of The Asymtotic Series Prof. dr. habil, Valahia University of Targoviste, Targoviste, Romania |
Abstract: This work aims to present an elementary method for constructing asymptotic series. The coefficients of the series are calculated as the solution of a linear system. Further applications are given.
Keywords: elementary method, asymptotic series construction, applications |

C.M. has given many courses in mathematical analysis, differential equations, applied mathematics, courses for Ph.D. students, courses for teachers in high schools. His domains of interest are functional analysis, nonlinear analysis, approximation theory, special functions.
C.M. published more than 100 research ISI Thomson mathematical papers, and he is a highly cited author with Hirsch index 21 in Webofknowledge and 26 in Scholar Google almost 2200 citations).
C.M. is also interested in Mathematical Olympiads and he published more than 200 problems in the Romanian journal Gazeta Matematică and a problem book – Mathematical Bridges (coauthored with Titu Andreescu and Marian Tetiva) – at Birkhauser Publishing House in 2017. He is also member in the National Board of the Romanian Mathematical Society, the Committee of the Romanian National Mathematical, he is coach of the Romanian Team participating at the International Mathematical Olympiad, leader of the Romanian Team participating at the Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, 2006, leader of the Romanian Team participating at the Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad, Iași, Romania, 2009, member in the evaluation committee of the International mathematical Olympiad, Bucharest 1999. He is also Expert at The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
C. M. is member in the Editorial Board of the following Journals: Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, Transnational Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Journal of Inequalities and Special Functions, International eJournal of Mathematics and Engineering, Antarctica Journal of Mathematics, Creative Mathematics, Journal of Science and Arts, Turkish Journal of Analysis and Number Theory.
C.M. obtained the “Nicolae Teodorescu” Prize of the Academy of the Romanian Scientists (2014), the “Dimitrie Pompeiu” Prize of the Romanian Academy (2012), the Prize for the most cited author in Carpathian Journal of Mathematics (2010), the Anniversary Prize “110 years of Gazeta Matematică (Bucharest)” (2005).