New features for ARA Members


Dear ARA website user,

here we briefly describe the new features for the Revival ARA website.

1. I’m not registered yet

If you are not registered on our website, please go to Register in the Website. Any difficulty please see Frequent Asked Questions.

2. I’m not a ARA member or I want to pay the fee

If you are not a member, please see Membership Levels.

3. Registered ARA members

The Registered ARA members are able to see information only available to them and to edit their own Profile. Please follow the following steps:

  1. Go to your Profile;
  2. Edit the profile by following the indication on the figures below


at the end of the page, click the button “Update Profile”.

NOTE: There are several optional fields (without any asterisk) that you may choose to fill or not, it’s up to you to decide which of that information you want to share with others.

4. Registered ARA members that are Contributors

If you are a registered ARA member you may apply to be also a Contributor to the ARA website. Contributors my add News posts, Events and Books. If you have relevant information to share with the ARA community, please apply to be a Contributor by sending an e-mail to . On approval, further information will be given to you.
Enjoy this space of Scientific Sharing,
The Web Adminsitrator